I am not sure that I have ever been more disillusioned by Westminster politics. The deepening and destructive Downing Street farce of a woman who didn’t want Brexit having to ask for help to leave Europe from an opposition leader who has no stomach for it, would have been a stretch even for the scriptwriters… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Theresa May
Our second female PM. I’ll wait to be impressed.
Our second female PM. I’ll wait to be impressed. They used to say that a week was a long time in politics – these days, everything can change in minutes. The plan on Monday morning had been for a discussion on Radio Scotland about the candidates in the leadership contests for the Conservative and Labour… Read more »
Applying to Theresa May for a new job…

Does anyone have Home Secretary Theresa May’s email address? Because if the Westminster Government doesn’t appoint a new chair to head up the inquiry into the historical sex abuse scandal soon, I might get in touch with her to offer my services. You’ll have heard that Fiona Woolf, the second person to be appointed to… Read more »