Action Learning brings people together as peers to combine solving problems with learning from experience. A self-selecting group from different industries/sectors meets monthly to group-coach each other to find effective solutions to business challenges.
Each meeting, members take turns to share a challenge they are facing, either in business or – if the group chooses – in their personal lives, and the other set members ask open questions to help them find their own solutions. It’s specifically not about offering/giving advice.
The next time the group meets, individuals recap the issue, report back on what they did next, and on what impact that action had. There’s no judgement, but an opportunity for everyone to learn from what happened next. The accountability element can really help members to get stuff done.
Crucially, members don’t have to ‘fix’ anything for each other – the aim is to help each other work things out for themselves. That aspect can be remarkably liberating for everyone – no unsolicited advice!
What’s so good about Action Learning?
It is supportive – Action Learning offers a non-judgmental space where everyone shares their challenges and mistakes. Hearing others facing similar challenges and being honest about what works and doesn’t, boosts learning and self-confidence.
Helps develop leadership skills – as a set member you will develop active listening skills and open, coaching-style questioning techniques that will support each other to solve your own challenges. These are leadership skills that translate well to creating a coaching leadership culture within your own organisations, as well as giving you some really useful tools to help you to ‘self-coach’.
It builds Emotional Intelligence (EQ) – Action Learning develops our ability to understand our motivations and empathise with others. Studies have shown EQ to be 6 times more important in leaderships roles than IQ.
It focuses on what is practical and relevant – real problems, real solutions, and accountability too. This isn’t about the theory, but about the doing.
It is low-cost and high impact – Action Learning is a cost-effective way to support your professional development and improve your performance. Regular reflective learning has been shown to boost corporate results.
It’s confidential – what happens in the set, stays in the set. Even when you meet each other outside, the group agrees not to discuss the issues raised, unless the person who ‘owns’ the problem volunteers to discuss it.
How to get started?
Come along to my next half-day ‘Learning About Action Learning’ session. I’ll teach you the basics and facilitate a couple of learning sets, giving you the chance to experience it for yourselves.
If you’d like to carry on, a committed set of 6-8 of you contract to meet regularly (monthly?) for a set period (two hours each time?). I facilitate the first five sessions, with a lighter tough each time.
By the time the final one comes round you’ll have the tools you need to carry on without me, progressing your peer learning, and deepening your relationships, leadership skills and self-confidence, for as long as you choose.
Next Date: Wednesday 25th September (Highland Business Week) 9.30 – 1.00. The Wee Bar, Ness Walk, Inverness. Optional lunch afterwards (1.00- 2.00pm).
Cost: £25
Cost to carry on: 5 x 2hour sessions (online/in-person tbc) £200 pp.
For more information and to book:
t: 07720433569